Hushpuppy Mix with Onions
2 cups Old Mill Hushpuppy Mix
1 cup water
2 eggs, beaten
Combine ingredients: Let stand a few minutes. Drop by spoon into hot oil. Turn once. When brown, remove and drain. The flavor is improved if you let the batter set overnight in the refrigerator.
- Chicken Batter - Add 2 tsp. of parsley flakes
- Fish Batter - Add 1 tsp. lemon juice or grated lemon peel.
- Corn Dog Dip - Dip wieners in dip and deep fat fry
- Cheese Snacks - Dip one inch cubes of cheddar cheese in dip and deep fat fry.
- Fried Onion Rings - Add 1 tsp. sesame seeds and use as batter
- Mexican Corn Bread - Add 1 tsp. baking powder and jalapeno peppers
- Zucchini, Squash or Eggplant Batter - Dip sliced vegetables in slightly beaten egg; dip in dry mix, fry in hot oil.